How to Cancel Direct or Automatic Payment on PayPal

Here’s how to cancel a subscription or recurring payment from PayPal. Please note that depending on the layout you have there are slight differences. Although using either of the below will lead you to the same place, both are included nonetheless:

#1. Accounts with old layout.

  1. Go to www.paypal.co.uk and log in to your account.
  2. Click ‘Profile‘ near the top of the page.
  3. Select ‘My money‘.
  4. In the ‘My pre-approved payments‘ section, click ‘Update‘.
  5. Select the merchant whose agreement you want to cancel and click ‘Cancel’.
  6. Click ‘Cancel Profile‘ to confirm your request.

#2. Accounts with newer or updated layout.

PayPal setting icon
1. Select Profile (setting wheel at the right, highlighted above)
2. Click on ‘Payments‘ from navigation
3. Under ‘Managing upcoming payments‘, Select ‘Preapproved payments‘. You will see a list of your Subscriptions, Automatically billed payments, Installment plan payments in a list.
4. Select the ‘Merchant‘ name (in blue) from the left column.
5. At ‘Status‘ you will see, Active | Cancel, click ‘Cancel‘.
6. A ‘Cancel Confirmation‘ pops up, click ‘Yes‘.

It is good practice to check at intervals to ensure you are only paying for what you n

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