Etsy Image Dimension

Using the correct image dimension can make a big difference in the look of your online Etsy store. The correct dimensions would ensure your images are not blurry, and present well.

The image size varies depending on where you want the image to be. The below is Etsy’s recommendation for images (sizes are in pixels):

Profile photo – 400 x 400
Shop Icon – 500 x 500
Shop banner – 760 x 100
Cover photo – The ideal size for your cover photo is 3360 x 840. The minimum size is 1200 x 300.
Team logo – 170 x 100
Item listing photo – At least 1000 pixels wide.

Item listing photos

Most people are understandably interested in having really great images for their items listings. Further to the image size being at least 1000px in width, there are also recommendations regarding image orientation. It is suggested that the first photo be horizontal/landscape or square for a better presentation after cropping. Etsy noted that they crop and resize images from the centre, so to have your images shown properly, it is advised that you centre your images. It is also good to ensure images are clear and crisp and that the colours reflect the type, mood and purpose of the listing.

Free image editing tools

If you do not have an image editing software, try an online tool to cut and resize your images:

Photoshop Express Online

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, well a great image could bring in quite a few sales, so always ensure yours are the best quality and that they look great!

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Julian Gooden

Julian assists businesses and individuals to grow online, helping with web/business development, content writing, SEO and social media. Please don't hesitate to drop Julian a line if you have any questions or comments.

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