Create website on WordPress (5 page basic non-eCommerce website). The customer provides content and images for the pages in question. The price will be more for custom themes, please contact for a quote.
Web design: Create website on WordPress (5 page basic non-eCommerce website). The customer provides content and images for the pages in question. The price will be more for custom themes, please contact for a quote.
Price: $350.00 USD
What is included:
- 1 Free domain name (must be .com/.net)
- 1 Months free hosting
- 1 Website built on the WordPress platform
- Responsive design
- Up to 5 web pages
- 1 Contact form
- 1 Newsletter form / Subscription
- Ability to Add / Update Content
- 3 Email accounts
- Website Statistics
- Search Engine Optimisation
- Search Engine Submission (including Google and Bing)
- Mobile compatibility